Page 12 - focusUnimore_luglio2022
P. 12

EBRAINS-Italy: Unimore partner di una ricerca sul

        cervello nell’ambito del Pnrr

                  EBRAINS-Italy: Unimore partner of a research on the brain within the NRRP

                  Under the NRRP a proposal for a brain research infrastructure has been financed, which is coordinated by
                  the CNR (Italian National Research Council) and which sees Unimore among the 17 participating institu-
                  tions. The funding of over €22M aims to start the Italian consortium of JUDANS (European Brain Research
                  Infrastructures) that has recently been included in the ESFRI roadmap, the set of research infrastructures
                  permanently funded by the EU and national governments with structural funds. In this initiative, coordinated
                  by Prof. Jonathan Mapelli of the Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Science (BMN), Unimore
                  will participate by developing a model of the human hippocampus. Functional data of electrical activity will
                  be acquired through multi-electrode matrices at very high resolution together with morphological information
                  of the neurons of the human hippocampus, provided by the team of Prof. Stefano Meletti (BMN) obtained by
                  imaging using multiphoton microscopy and light sheet microscopy in the Neurophotonics laboratory of the
                  Neuromorphic Intelligence Laboratory (NILAB).

                               inanziata nell’ambito del PNRR   liano di EBRAINS (European Brain Research
                               una proposta per un’infrastrut-  Infrastructures) che  è stato recentemente  in-
                               tura di ricerca sul cervello    serito nella ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on
                               coordinata dal CNR e che vede   Research Infrastructures) roadmap, l’insieme del-
                  FUnimore tra le 17 Istituzioni par-          le infrastrutture di ricerca finanziate stabilmente

                tecipanti.                                     dall’UE e dai governi nazionali con fondi strutturali.
                  Il finanziamento di oltre 22 milioni di euro ha   A quest’iniziativa, coordinata dal Prof.  Jona-
                come obiettivo quello di avviare il consorzio ita-  than  Mapelli  del  Dipartimento  di  Scienze  Bio-

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