Page 12 - focusUnimore_ottobre2021
P. 12

L’inquinamento atmosferico invecchia

         il cervello: i risultati di uno studio


                  Air pollution ages the brain: the results of a Unimore study

                  The researchers of the Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Science, led by professor

                  Marco Vinceti, are conducting a particularly innovative study on the correlations between the increa-
                  se in the risk of dementia and air pollution.
                  The study, named “The association between air pollutants and hippocampal volume from magnetic
                  resonance imaging” was recently published on “Environmental Research”, an international journal

                  of Public Health and Environmental Medicine. Research has shown that air pollution by fine particles
                  and nitrogen oxides negatively affects the volume of the hippocampus and consequently its very
                  important cognitive and memory functions, increasing the risk of dementia.

                  On the other hand, there is no link between damage to the hippocampus and nitrogen dioxide,
                  another known pollutant generated by combustion sources, including car traffic and domestic hea-
                  ting systems. The activities of the research group continue to systematically investigate the effects of
                  the exposure to environmental risk factors on brain structures.

                  The study was supported by the project “Excellence Departments 2018-2022” and the funding
                  “University Fund for Research” Unimore-Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena 2019, which
                  has been awarded to professor Marco Vinceti. Professor Vinceti will carry it forward together with Dr.
                  Erica Balboni, first author of the research, Dr. Tommaso Filippini, along with the team led by professor
                  Giovanna Zamboni, with Doctors Gabriele Guidi and Luca Nocetti, and professor Giuseppe Pagnoni,
                  within an international collaboration with researchers of the Brain Research Center, the Institute of

                  Global Health in Barcelona and the American universities of Harvard and Brigham Young.

                                   n gruppo di ricercatori e ri-  prima  meta-analisi  dose-risposta  mai  realizzata
                                   cercatrici, guidati dal Prof.   riguardante gli effetti dell’inquinamento atmosfe-
                                   Marco Vinceti, sta inda-    rico sull’ippocampo, struttura cerebrale di grande
                                   gando sulle correlazioni tra   importanza per la memoria e per il decadimento
                   Ul’aumento del rischio di de-               co-gnitivo.

                menza e l’inquinamento atmosferico.               Prima autrice della ricerca è la ventiquattrenne
                   Quello condotto dai ricercatori del  Diparti-  modenese Erica Balboni, laureatasi in Fisica ad

                mento di Scienze Biomediche, Metaboliche       Unimore, attualmente specializzanda in Fisica Sa-
                e Neuroscienze è uno studio particolarmen-     nitaria presso il Policlinico di Modena e assegnista
                te innovativo: essi hanno infatti pubblicato la   di ricerca al Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche,

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