Page 4 - focusUnimore_marzo2023
P. 4

Editoriale. Innovazione e tecnologia per la
                parità di genere: la strategia di Unimore

                Tindara Addabbo

                  Editorial: The strategy adopted by Unimore for innovation and technology for gender equality

                  The theme chosen by the United Nations for International Women’s Rights Day is ‘DigitALL: innovation and
                  technology for gender equality’. The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) Report 2022 proposes
                  a summary indicator of the different dimensions of equality. The index calculated for Italy shows how the
                  dimension in which we are at the bottom of the ranking in terms of gender equality in Europe is the labour
                  dimension and how the level of gender equality achieved in Italy is lower than the index calculated by EIGE
                  for the European Union. This is the case even if the level of female education is higher than that of men,
                  but there are gaps in the distribution of male and female students in the different subject areas. Also in our
                  university, the areas of study with a clear female predominance are those related to humanities and care-
                  related courses, while in STEM areas a clear male predominance continues to be observed. It is therefore
                  important to know what is happening in our university in terms of gender equality and what strategies are
                  adopted to promote it. In December 2022, Unimore approved the first Gender Equality Plan. Twenty actions
                  make it up, ranging from a commitment to gender reporting and the activation of the budget cycle within
                  which the Plan’s actions fit into a programme perspective. In this issue of Focus Unimore we illustrate the
                  various initiatives of our University on the occasion of ‘International Women’s Rights Day’.

                        l tema scelto dalle Nazioni Unite per la   Quanto siamo distanti dall’obiettivo dell’egua-
                        Giornata Internazionale dei diritti    glianza di genere e quale è stato l’impatto com-
                        della  donna  è “DigitALL:  innova-    plessivo della pandemia nelle diverse dimensioni
                        zione e tecnologia per la parità di    delle diseguaglianze?
                  Igenere”  e ci  consente  di  riflettere  su   Una risposta a questa domanda che ci poniamo

                quanto il divario di genere esistente nel lavoro di-  anche in occasione della Giornata Internaziona-
                gitale conduca a un aumento delle diseguaglianze   le dei diritti della donna, si trova nel Rapporto
                di genere economiche e sociali e, al contempo,   2022 dell’Istituto europeo per l’eguaglianza
                porre attenzione alla tutela dei diritti delle donne   di genere (European Institute for Gender Equality
                e delle ragazze negli spazi digitali contrastando la   — EIGE) che propone un indicatore sintetico delle
                violenza di genere online.

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